

 ダボス会議を主催する世界経済フォーラム(WEF 本部ジュネーブ)は昨年12月、世界149か国を対象としたジェンダー・ギャップ(男女格差)指数を公表しました。ジェンダー・ギャップ指数とは、男女の格差を経済、教育、健康、政治の4分野・14項目にわたって分析して指数化したものです。国別ランキングは各分野の総合評価となっており、日本は110位で2017年の114位からわずかに上昇したものの、G7の中では最下位となっています。

Japan ranked 110th in global gender equality rankings for 2018
【Japan has the highest gender gap among developed countries】
 The World Economic Forum (WEF), based in Geneva, Switzerland, released the Global Gender Gap Report 2018, reviewing 149 countries on the basis of their gender parity. These 149 countries are ranked on the basis of 14 indicators in four categories: Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival, and Political Empowerment. Although Japan was placed 110th in the World Economic Forum's global gender equality rankings for 2018, it faired the lowest among G7 industrialized nations.

男女平等ランキングで日本は世界110位 - ジェンダー・ギャップ指数とは -

- What is the Global Gender Gap Index? -
 The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by political, business and cultural leaders. It is held in Davos, Switzerland and is commonly known as the Davos Forum. In addition to discussing international issues, the World Economic Forum publishes the Global Competitiveness Report. The World Economic Forum has produced a Global Gender Gap Report every year since 2016.
 The Global Gender Gap Index examines the gap between men and women across four fundamental categories : ①Economic Participation and Opportunity - the gender wage gap , the gender employment gap ,the gender leadership gap ②Educational Attainment - the gender gap in literacy achievement, the gender gap in educational attainment ③Health and Survival - the ratio between male and female at birth and life expectancy at birth ④Political Empowerment - female to male ratio of Parliamentary seats and ministers. The data from International Labor Organization (ILO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and World Health Organization (WHO), etc. are used to calculate the index. The Global Gender Gap Index is based on scale ranging from 0 (imparity) to 1 (parity).
男女平等ランキングで日本は世界110位 - ランキングの上位を占める北欧勢 -

- Nordic countries occupy top positions -
 The Nordic countries occupy top positions. Iceland tops the list for the 10th consecutive year. Finland occupies the fourth position, and Nordic countries occupy the top four positions.
 Norway was the first country to introduce a quota for female board members. Along with a higher degree of gender equality in economic field, many women are in technology jobs and managerial positions.
 African countries rank highest for gender equality. As a result of domestic conflicts and prolonged civil wars, the number of women parliamentarians and working women has risen, and women's political participation and women's economic participation have increased. Rwanda in Central East Africa sets a quota of at least 30 percent women Parliament members. It has the most women in Parliament in the world.
男女平等ランキングで日本は世界110位 - 政治・経済分野で指数を落とす日本 -

- Japan's gender gap score in political empowerment and economic participation is low -
 Japan was placed 110th (0.662) in the World Economic Forum's global gender equality rankings for 2018. It has remained sluggish since 2012. Although the ranking improved four places from the previous year, Japan ranked worst of G7 nations.
 In the category of political empowerment, the index for Japan was 125th (0.081), 117th(0.595)in the category of economic participation and opportunity, 65th(0.994)in the category of educational attainment, 41st(0.979)in the category of health and survival. The categories of educational attainment and health and survival are relatively more advanced than other categories. Japan received poor marks for political empowerment due to low proportions of female legislators and cabinet ministers.
 As of June 2018, the percentage of women in the House of Representatives stands at 10.1 percent, the percentage of women in the House of Councilors stands at 20.7percent. Japan’s Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, appointed just one woman to his new cabinet despite the slogans such as “Make women shine” in October 2018. The ratio of women in local government seats is also low. Local bodies across Japan with no female members accounted for 345 of 1,788, or almost 20 percent.
 The number of women in the workforce is increasing. Japan's female labor force participation rate was reported at 43・4%, according to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry's survey for 2017. Women in managerial positions only account for 15%.

- 女性が活躍する社会をめざして -

- To realize a society where women shine -
 The second Abe government that started in December 2012 set policy goals: "To realize a society where women can shine, and contribute to the revitalization of the Japanese economy". It has set the goal of having 30% women in leadership positions by 2020, but it has not yet achieved.
 The law to promote an increase in female members in the national and local assemblies was passed in May 2018. The law is named, Law to promote joint participation by men and women in political field. It is commonly called, “Candidate gender equality law”. The law will start to be applied the next unified local elections scheduled for April 2019 and the next Upper House election in July. It demands that political parties make efforts to increase the number of female candidates although it has no punitive clause. We need to watch over the progress carefully.
 The government attempts to encourage more women to join the workforce. Traditionally, the mother takes care of the household and provides childcare in Japan. Mothering is considered an occupation. Because many women leave their jobs for marriage and childbirth, companies do not give them heavy tasks. Instead of entering back into the workforce in high-power positions, women are returning to part-time, low-paying jobs after giving birth to their child.
 The advance in the declining birthrate and aging population has become severe in Japan. A solution to this problem is to get more women working. Government policies are being rapidly developed to address these roadblocks. Authorities must work to change the culture of work itself by establishing a better social environment.



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