

Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group Now On UNESCO World Heritage list

【Japan now has 23 World Heritage Sites, including cultural and natural heritage sites】
 The World Heritage Committee of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), held in Azerbaijan, decided on July 6 to register " Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group " that Japan had recommended as a World Cultural Heritage site. With the registration, the number of world heritage sites in Japan increased to 23 includind 19 cultural and four natural sites. It is the first World Heritage site in Osaka Prefecture.

百舌鳥・古市古墳群が世界文化遺産に登録 - 人類全体の遺産の保護・保存をめざして -

- Protecting and preserving the heritage of the entire human race -
 The Convention concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention) was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO in 1972. The purpose of the World Heritage Convention is to establish an effective system of collective protection of the cultural and natural heritage of outstanding universal value for all mankind from destruction and damage, and to pass them on to future generations.
 The World Heritage sites include cultural heritage sites such as buildings and ruins, natural heritage such as habitats of plants and animals, and mixed heritage sites that combine both elements of culture and nature. As of July 2018, there are a total of 1,092 World Heritage Sites (845 cultural, 209 natural, and 38 mixed properties). Japan has 22 World Heritage sites, including 18 cultural and four natural sites.
百舌鳥・古市古墳群が世界文化遺産に登録 - 構成資産は大仙古墳(仁徳天皇陵)など49基 -

- 49 kofun burial mounds, including Daisen-kofun (Mausoleum of Emperor Nintoku) -
 The Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group, Japan's 23rd World Heritage Site, was built in the southern part of Osaka Prefecture, which was the political and cultural center of the time, the peak of the Kofun period (around the late fourth to late fifth centuries). The Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group comprises a total of 49 kofun burial mounds: 23 in the Mozu area in the city of Sakai and 26 in the Furuichi area straddling the cities of Habikino and Fujiidera. It spreads across the area of four square kilometers.
 The Daisen-kofun, the Mausoleum of Emperor Nintoku in the Mozu area, is one of the world's largest burial mounds measuring 486m in length. Although it is not as tall as Pyramid of Khufu, it is more than twice as long as it is. The Konda Gobyoyama Kofun (Mausoleum of Emperor Ojin) in the Furuichi area is the second longest burial mound in Japan, measuring 425 meters in length.
 It is thought that the reason why such a huge group of burial mounds was built in the Osaka Plain along the coast of Osaka Bay was to show sovereign power at that time widely at home and abroad. It was an important sea route between Osaka and the continent.
百舌鳥・古市古墳群が世界文化遺産に登録 - 巨大な前方後円墳と形状が異なる中小墳墓が密集 -

- A large keyhole-shaped tomb mound and smaller tomb mounds with different shapes are densely packed -
 The Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group is characterized by the construction of huge keyhole-shaped tomb mounds and large and small tomb mounds with different shapes.
 A keyhole-shaped tomb mound is an ancient tomb of circular shape with a rectangular frontage, and looks like a keyhole from the sky. There are more than 200,000 ancient burial mounds in Japan, and around 4,700 of them are keyhole-shaped tomb mounds. Most of the huge burial mounds are keyhole-shaped tomb mounds, such as The Daisen Kofun and the Konda Gobyoyama Kofun. The shape of keyhole-shaped tomb mounds is unique to Japan, but it is still not clear why they are shaped like this.
 A scallop shaped mound is shorter than keyhole shaped one. There is a theory that the great king made it shorter. A round burial mound is the most common shape among Japanese tomb mounds. A burial mound of a great king gradually changed to a square burial mound in the latter half of Kofun period.
 While most of the world's tombs were just piled up soil on a coffin or a chamber, the burial mounds were geometrically designed as a stage for funeral ceremonies and decorated with haniwa. The Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group is valuable ruins that show the process of the formation and development of Japan's ancient sovereignty through the construction of unique tombs in Japan. The UNESCO World Heritage Committee also highly evaluates the Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group as "Burial mounds of various sizes, which are rare material evidence of the period when the ancient sovereignty was established ".

- 困難だった普遍的価値の証明 -

- Difficulty in demonstrating outstanding universal value -
 The Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group had been aiming to be registered as a World Cultural Heritage site since 2013, but the recommendation to UNESCO was postponed 3 times as a result of the examination of the Council for Cultural Affairs. As the reasons for this, it was pointed out that there was a lack of explanation for why large and small burial mounds of various shapes were concentrated, verification of buried people, the positional relation between the Mozu and the Furuichi areas, and the relations with East Asian civilization.
 The Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group World Heritage Council, which was made up of relevant local governments, including Osaka Prefecture, revised the draft several times and tried to convey to people overseas the universal value of the huge burial mounds in an easy-to-understand way. In addition, it narrowed down burial mounds to 49 from 87, taking into account the state of preservation, and then this registration was achieved.

- 百舌鳥・古市古墳群が抱える課題 -

- Future tasks of Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group -
 There used to be more than 100 old burial mounds in the Mozu area. After the war, residential land development progressed, and the number of them decreased to 44 including those that are half destroyed. 23 burial mounds are registered as World Heritage. In the Furuichi area as well, there were more than 120 burial mounds, and 87 of them still exist. 26 burial mounds are registered as World Heritage sites. All of these burial mounds are adjacent to residential areas. There are difficult problems in future development and preservation, including those that are not registered.
 In addition, 29 of the 49 graves registered as World Heritage are the imperial mausoleums managed by the Imperial Household Agency as the graves of the Emperor, the Empress, the Grand Empress Dowager, and the Empress Dowager. The Imperial Household Agency does not disclose the information, "To maintain a quiet environment and proper solemnity" and does not allow entry into the tombs' interiors or opening everything up to the general public. Last year, joint fieldwork on the moat embankments surrounding the Daisen Kofun, which is believed to be the burial mound of Emperor Nintoku was carried out by the agency and the City of Sakai. It was required for important preservation work. Imperial mausoleums are historically and academically very valuable. In the future, it will attract much attention how they will reach an agreement in order to realize full-scale academic research under maintaining the tranquility and dignity of the Imperial Mausoleum.



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