


Japan's food self-sufficiency rate has declined continuously
【The government set its food self-sufficiency target at 45 percent】
 The food self-sufficiency rate is an indicator that shows how much daily food per capita is produced within a country. Japan's food self-sufficiency rate on a calorie basis has declined to 39 percent in 2015. It declines every year due to a change in eating habits of Japanese. Japan's food self-sufficiency rate is extremely low compared with other developed countries. The government's target is to raise self-sufficiency rate to 45 percent by fiscal 2015.

毎年低下する日本の食料自給率 - 食料自給率とはどんな指標? -

- What is food self-sufficiency rate? -
 Food self-sufficiency rate is an indicator that shows how much daily food per capita is produced within a country. This indicator has food self-sufficiency rate on an item-specific weight basis and total food self-sufficiency rate. There are two types of total food self-sufficiency rate: calorie value basis and production value basis.
 The food self-sufficiency rate on an item-specific weight basis is calculated by dividing domestic production amount by domestic consumption amount. We will use this calculation formula to fiscal 2015 wheat as an example. The self-sufficiency rate of wheat in 2015 was 15 percent, calculated by dividing Japan's wheat domestic production amount (1,040,000 tons) by wheat domestic consumption amount (6,581,000 tons).
 The calorie value basis evaluates consumption and production of agricultural commodities by their calorie values, while the production value basis evaluates consumption and production of agricultural commodities by their market prices. The food self-sufficiency rate on calorie value basis in fiscal 2015 was 39 percent, calculated by dividing a domestic calorie supply basis per person per day (954kcal) by a calorie supply basis per person per day (2,417kcal). The production value basis was 66 percent, calculated by dividing domestic production of food (10.5 trillion yen) by domestic consumption of food (16.0 trillion yen).

- 日本は先進国で最低の水準 -

- Japan's food self-sufficiency rate is the lowest level among developed countries -
 Japan’s food self -sufficiency rate shows a downward trend over the long term both on a calorie basis and on a production basis. Japan's calorie-based food self-sufficiency rate was 73 percent in fiscal 1965, but in 2015, it dropped to 39 percent. Japan's food self-sufficiency rate was 66 percent on a production value basis, an increase of 2 percent compared with 2014.
 Japan has the lowest level of food self-sufficiency rate, compared with, for example, 258 percent for Canada, 205 percent for Australia, 129 percent for France, 127 percent for the United States, 92 percent for Germany, 72 percent for Britain, and 61 percent for Italy. Low-calorie food such as vegetables counts for less in the food self-sufficiency rate on calorie value basis than it does in production value basis. Livestock raised in Japan would not be counted as domestic supply if their feed is imported.
 In 2000, the government set a target of raising food self-sufficiency rate to 50 percent on a calorie basis. The government's basic agriculture plan has been formulated every five years since then to set the direction of farming policy. Japan's food self-sufficiency rate on the calorie value basis was 73 percent in fiscal 1965, and then decreased to 39% in fiscal 2010. In response to this situation, in 2015, the government set a food self-sufficiency target of 45% on calorie value basis and 73% on production value basis by fiscal 2025.
毎年低下する日本の食料自給率 - なぜ食料自給率が上がらない -

- Why doesn't food self-sufficiency rate rise? -
 Eating habits of Japanese changed greatly after the war. Due to dietary diversification, food consumption such as livestock products, oils and fats, wheat, and processed food has increased.
 The government aims to produce wheat and soybeans that depend heavily on import domestically, make rice for livestock, and make rice flour substitute for wheat. However, cultivation of wheat and soybeans in paddy fields is difficult and a large-scale soil amendment is necessary. It was postponed because huge amount of money was required, then development of new varieties suitable for Japanese soil did not advance. The spread of expected bait rice and rice flour is also stalling due to cost-related problems. Although the government also proposed various policies and introduced a huge budget to improve the food self-sufficiency rate, nothing has progressed as planned.
 The agricultural workers face an advancing aging crisis. There were 2,090,000 agricultural workers in 2015, more than 63% of them were 65 years or older. In order to improve food self-sufficiency rate, young people and enterprises are needed.

- 食料自給率が低いとどうなる? -

- What happens if food self-sufficiency rate is low? -
 World population was about 6.1 billion in 2000, and is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050. It is estimated that demand for global agricultural production will increase by 1.5 times from its 2005–2007 levels and livestock products will increase by 1.7 times.
 Grain production in the world has increased in response to a demand amount. It is not the area of agricultural land has expanded, but the yield per unit area has increased due to technological innovation. As national income increases due to economic growth, meat consumption increases. Livestock production generates a larger demand for feed grain. Today, we cannot expect the expansion in agricultural area. Global food crisis will worsen.
 Under these circumstances, relying on imports of insufficient food entails great risk. Due to global climate change, it is not always possible to expect a stable harvest every year. Exports may stop due to political unrest and disputes in the exporting country. It is not certain whether stable import will secure, and even if we can import food, the price will soar.
 We living in Japan with a food self-sufficiency rate of 39% have to work on improving the food self-sufficiency rate including food loss.



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