


【Misrepresentation of the effect and efficacy of health food】
 As health awareness rises, more and more people are taking health food. However, there may be many people at a loss for an answer when they are asked what health food is. Therefore, we will learn the differences between supplements, Foods for Specified Health Uses (Tokuho), Foods with Nutrient Function Claims and Foods with Function Claims that we see and hear every day.

健康食品と上手く付き合うために - 健康食品とサプリメント -

- Health food and supplements -
 There is no clear definition of health food, it can be said that it is a generic name of food that promotes health. Supplements that you often see and hear recently are a form of health food. Anyone can easily purchase them as tablets or drinks at drugstores, supermarkets and convenience stores.
 It is difficult for busy modern people to take balanced meals every day, so the demand for supplements is increasing to live a healthier life. There are many supplements in the form of tablets that look like medicine.
 Medicine has been investigated in detail about effects, efficacy, usage, dosage, and side effects, for the purpose of treatment and prevention of disease, and has been approved by the country. Medicine includes prescription medicine that can only be prescribed by doctors and general medicine that can be sold at drug stores without a prescription. In addition, quasi-drug produces less side effects than medicine and is restricted for a specific use only.
健康食品と上手く付き合うために - 健康食品の効果・効能表現 -

- Indication of the effect and efficacy of health food -
 Common food including health food is prohibited to show its effect or efficacy. Food with Health Claims refers to food that complies with the specifications and standards established by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare. They are categorized into Foods for Specified Health Uses and Foods with Nutrient Function Claims. New functional foods, Foods with Function Claims was introduced in April, 2015.


≪Foods for Specified Health Uses≫
 Many people may know the name Tokuho. It is an abbreviation for Foods for Specified Health Uses in Japanese. Foods for Specified Health Uses refers to food containing ingredients with functions for health and officially approved to claim its physiological effects on the human body. Foods for Specified Health Uses is scientifically recognized as helpful for promoting health. The country investigates the labeled effect and safety, and the Consumer Affairs Agency gives approval to each food product.
 Labels such as "Helps improve bowel movement", "For those with high blood pressure", "For those concerned about body fat" and "Makes teeth strong and healthy" are permitted so far. However, because Foods for Specified Health Uses is not certified as medicine under the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law, expressions as if it can be recognized as medicine such as "To improve hypertension" or "To suppress blood glucose levels" are prohibited.


≪Foods for Specified Health Uses≫
 Foods with Nutrient Function Claims can be used to supplement or complement the daily nutrient requirements value such as vitamins and minerals. Its labels bear function claims based on scientific evidence, under the responsibility of food business operators.
 Standards and specifications for indication of nutritional function have been so far established for 6 minerals (calcium, zinc, copper, magnesium, etc.) and 13 vitamins (pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, etc.). For example, if food is containing calcium, "Calcium is a nutritional element necessary for bone and tooth formation" can be indicated.


≪Foods with Function Claims≫
 The Japanese government enacted "Foods with health claims" in April 2001, which consists of "Foods for Specified Health Use" and "Foods with Nutrient Function Claims". Application and authorization procedures were much simplified than Foods for Specified Health Uses. This has brought an great opportunity even to small-scale proprietors and entrepreneurs who conventionally couldn’t afford enormous time and expenses.
 Foods with Function Claims, was introduced in April 2015 in order to make more products available clearly labeled with certain nutritional or health functions and to enable consumers to make more informed choices. Food manufacturers can make a claim for food function based on their own responsibility regarding the evidence for both safety and effectiveness. Under the responsibility of a food business operator, this product has been submitted to the Secretary-General of the Consumer Affairs Agency as a product labeled with a statement that specified health outcomes can be achieved. Consumers can check the warnings on the product label and the information disclosed on the website of the Consumer Affairs Agency.
 These food products are allowed to label the function of food, which is that the specified health effects can be achieved such as "Slows fat absorption." However, unlike Foods for Specified Health Uses and Foods with Nutrient Function Claims, the product is not individually pre-approved by the Secretary-General of the Consumer Affairs Agency.
 Each of them is helpful for maintaining and promoting health, and can be implicated in supporting health but not treating or preventing disease. With a proper understanding of each health food, we can choose the food we need.



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