活発化する日本の活火山-Volcanic activity in Japan has been activated-【環境】

活発化する日本の活火山-Volcanic activity in Japan has been activated-


Of the 110 active volcanoes, 47 are under monitoring
 Mount Shindake on Kuchinoerabu Island in Kagoshima Prefecture caused an explosive eruption on May 29, and all islanders evacuated outside the island. On May 6, the Japan Meteorological Agency issued a Level 2 warning for volcanic activity at Mount Hakone in Kanagawa Prefecture. It raised the volcanic eruption warning to Level 3 on June 30. Mount Ontake erupted and killed many people last September.
 There are 110 active volcanoes in Japan and 47 of them are constantly monitored 24 hours a day. Japan is known as "Volcano islands" and "Earthquake-prone archipelago." We should understand geographic features of Japan and prepare for natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

活発化する日本の活火山-Volcanic activity in Japan has been activated- - 「活火山」の定義の変遷 -

- Change of the definition of "active volcano" -
 In the past, volcanoes were classified as "active volcano", "dormant volcano" and "extinct volcano." An active volcano is a volcano that is currently erupting or has erupted recently, such as Mount Ontake, Mount Shindake and Mount Hakone. A dormant volcano is one that has not shown eruptive activity within recorded history, such as Mount Fuji. An extinct volcano is one that has not shown any historic activity.
Volcano lifetime is long, and some volcanoes become active again after hundreds or thousands of years. It became accepted internationally to define active volcanoes as volcanoes which have erupted within the past 10,000 years.
 The Coordinating Committee for Prediction of Volcanic Eruptions defined active volcanoes as "those that have a history of eruption and those that are showing signs of fumarolic activity, which means a vent on the mountain is spewing steam and gases." The committee designated 77 volcanoes in Japan as active using this definition. Advances in volcanology have unearthed new evidence of the past. The number of active volcanoes has increased.
 In 2003, CCPVE changed the definition of active volcano to "volcanoes which have erupted within approximately the last 10,000 years, or which currently show fumarolic activity." With this definition, the number of active volcanoes in Japan are 110.
活発化する日本の活火山-Volcanic activity in Japan has been activated- - 火山噴火の仕組み -

- The mechanism of volcanic eruptions -
 The Earth has a core (inner core, outer core) surrounded by a mantle (lower mantle, upper mantle), and that is surrounded by crust. The plates are made up of Earth's crust and the upper part of the mantle layer underneath. The plates are 100km thick. Dozens of plates cover Earth's surface, and the convection currents below in the mantle move these plates around on the surface of the Earth. The Earth is made up of roughly a dozen major plates.
 There are three places where volcanoes form: subduction zones, an oceanic plate is forced beneath another plate, such as Japanese archipelago; mid-ocean ridges, new magma constantly emerging onto the ocean floor and into the crust at and near rifts along the ridge axes; hot spots, areas of volcanic activity that form from plumes of hot, solid material that have risen from deep within Earth’s mantle, such as Hawaiian Islands.
 Subduction zone volcanism occurs where two plates are converging on one another. Magma generation is the consequence of the interaction between fluids. Stratification of a magma chamber results in an increase in the amount of gas within the magma, and causes the pressure in the chamber to increase. That pressure can gradually fracture the rock around it creating outlets for the magma. If it finds a way to the surface, then the result will be a volcanic eruption. It leads to an eruption.
 There are three different types of eruptions: "phreatic eruptions", which is driven by the superheating of steam via contact with magma ; "phreatomagmatic eruptions", that are driven by the direct interaction between magma and external bodies of water such as the sea or groundwater ; "magmatic eruptions", when magma is ejected from the surface, it releases a torrent of lava and pyroclastic flows.

- 47火山は24時間体制で監視・観測 -

- 47 volcanoes are constantly monitored 24 hours a day -
 The Japanese Islands are in marginal areas of the Eurasian Plate, the North American Plate, the Pacific Plate, and the Philippine Sea Plate. As the Japanese archipelago lies in the volcano and earthquake belt, eruption is going to happen anytime.
 In 2009, the Coordinating Committee for Prediction of Volcanic Eruptions investigated the volcanoes in Japan and listed 47 volcanoes as those to be intensively monitored for the time being. These volcanoes are constantly observed and monitored 24 hours a day using seismograph, inclinometer, infrasound meter, GPS observation equipment and the telecamera to capture the sign of the eruption.
 It is very difficult to predict volcanic eruptions. Each volcano is unique, and the sign leading to the eruption of one volcano may be completely different than other cases. It is necessary to accumulate a wide range of data to predict them.
活発化する日本の活火山-Volcanic activity in Japan has been activated- - 噴火警戒レベルが設定された火山 -

- Volcanic Alert Levels for Volcanoes -
 Japan Meteorological Agency has set the eruption threat level of five stages to 31 volcanoes out of 47 volcanoes since 2007. The Volcano Alert Levels are intended to inform peripheral residents and climbers about a volcano's status. 5 volcano alert levels are assigned according to the status of volcano activity, each clearly connected to a specific set of disaster countermeasures: Level 1, Be mindful that the volcano is potentially active; Level 2, Do not approach the crater; Level 3, Do not approach the volcano; Level 4, Prepare to Evacuate; Level 5, Evacuate.
 All Residents evacuated Kuchinoerabu Island and the volcanic alert level 5 was issued, then a level 3 alert has been issued for Mount Hakone and Sakurajima as of July 7. As for the volcanic activity in Mount Kusatsu-Shirane , Mount Azuma , Mount asama, Mount Aso, Mount Kirishima and Suwanose Island, volcanic alert level 2 was issued and other 21 volcanoes, level 1 was issued

- 火山噴火と地震の関係 -

- A connection between volcanic eruptions and earthquakes -
 Aftershocks have occurred frequently since the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, and eruptions have become noticeable.
 Some seismologists have pointed out that large earthquakes may trigger volcanic eruptions. Large earthquakes passing through a magma reservoir may cause the nucleation of bubbles within the magma. These events could prompt an eruption. Actually, some volcanic eruptions were caused by large earthquakes in the past.
 We Japanese must always provide against disasters, reflecting on the past experience.



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