


Venomous fire ants, native to South America, have been found
【To protect yourself from a dangerous fire ant !】
 Venomous fire ants were found inside a container transported from the port to Amagasaki. The ants have been found at Kobe port and Nagoya port in Yatomi, Aichi Prefecture, Osaka port and the Oi cargo terminal at Tokyo port. Discovery of the first fire ant queen at Osaka port raises fear of colony in Japan. In response to these circumstances, the government launched large-scale control measures against fire ants at the ports that have regular container routes with nations where fire ants are commonly found.

南米原産の猛毒アリ「ヒアリ」を発見 - ヒアリは「特定外来生物」に指定 -
 ヒアリは英語で「Fire ant」、漢字で「火蟻」と表されるように、刺されると火傷のような激しい痛みに襲われ、人によっては重いアレルギー反応(アナフィラキシー・ショック)を起こして死に至ることもあります。このようにヒアリは攻撃性が強く、強い毒性を持っているため、外来生物法によって「特定外来生物」に指定し、日本への侵入や定着を警戒していました。

- Fire ants are designated as an invasive alien species -
 Most people stung by fire ants develop the burning sensation that gives fire ants their name. An even more severe allergic reaction, or anaphylaxis, can occur after the sting and may be life-threatening. Because fire ants are aggressive and have strong toxicity, they are designated as an invasive alien species by The Invasive Alien Species Act.
 Fire ants are native to South America, but they have spread to Pacific-rim countries and regions, including the United States, Australia, Malaysia, China, and Taiwan. Many of Japan's major trading partners, especially China and Taiwan, have become infested with fire ants. The introduction of the species was inevitable. The first swarm of fire ants was found in a shipping container that had been unloaded from a cargo ship at the ports.
The government launched large-scale control measures against fire ants at 68 ports that have regular container routes with nations where fire ants are commonly found. It has decided to place hundreds of thousands of fire ant bait insecticides at those ports. The Environment Ministry investigates a fire ant discovery and prevents fire ants.
南米原産の猛毒アリ「ヒアリ」を発見 - ヒアリの特性はアリ塚を作ること -

- Fire ants have mound-building habits -
 Fire ant is a small reddish brown ant with a darker abdomen. Their size varies from 2.5 to 6 mm. They have a dedicated venom-injecting sting. They are known to nest relatively open environment in subtropical zone and warm-temperate zone. Nests look like dome-shaped mounds. It is ranging from 25 to 60cm in diameter, 15 to 50cm high and has a depth of 180cm. There are lots of rooms and tunnels in the dome. Fire ant workers leave their mound by tunnels that extend away radially from the mound.
 Fire ants are omnivorous animals. They eat both plant such as sweet dew, sap, nectar and seeds, and small vertebrates such as small insects and lizards.
南米原産の猛毒アリ「ヒアリ」を発見 - 女王アリの確認で定着の恐れ -

- Discovery of a fire ant queen raises fear of colony in Japan -
 First fire ant queen was found at the port in Osaka. Larvae and pupae have been found at the port of Yokohama. In order to kill fire ant workers, using powerful bait insecticides is effective. The threat of an alien invasion and the establishment of a colony in Japan is turning into reality.
 A fire ant queen can lay more than 1,000 eggs a day. Total time from egg to adult averages 30 days. Fire ant queens may live for 6-7 years and can produce eggs every day. Normally, ant colonies have one queen, but fire ant colonies have multiple queens. Fire ant can move hundreds of meters to gather food and built a new mound there. The government is now carrying out intense extermination measures at the ports.
 If fire ant queens escape from the extermination procedures, fire ants may invade and displace other species of ants native to the country or evolve into a new and more threatening form. A new and more threatening form of fire ants has already been discovered in the U.S.

- ヒアリを発見したり、刺された時は? -

- What to do if you find a fire ant or if you are stung by a fire ant -
 If you see fire ants, call the local municipal office or the nearest branch of the Regional Environmental Affairs Office. To kill fire ants, boiled water, liquid drenches or baits can be effective. The most effective way is to use baits. Apply the selected fire ant bait around the mound, ants will crawl into the trap, drink the bait and return to their nest where they will contaminate others.
 The severity of a fire ant sting reaction varies from person to person. Fire ant venom contains solenopsin; toxic alkaloid, and phospholybase and hyalpholyticase, the same substance as the venom of bees. People who have an allergy to the venom of bees need to seek special attention.
 If you are stung by fire ants, rest for a while and pay attention to any changes in body condition. If a body condition is changed abruptly, tell the doctor that you have been stung by fire ants. A feeling of intense burning and severe pain at the moment of being stung, then pus may appear about 10 hours later. If the condition is moderate, the stung area has swollen up. Some may experience a skin rash with itchiness on part or all of the body. If the symptoms are more severe and include shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, and severe palpitations and dizziness, you may possibly be suffering from anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction, which can be fatal if left untreated.



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