


Serious damage to human beings and crops
【Wildlife and ecosystems change by the collapse of satoyama】
 Wild animals harming human beings and destroying agricultural crops in various places in Japan are often reported in the news. The amount of wildlife damage to crops has hovered at around 20 billion yen since 1999 when the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries started investigating. Damage to crops by wild animals is casting dark shadows on Japanese society. Satoyama, which the Japanese have nurtured and used for a long time has been on the brink of collapse. Wild animals living there are deprived of residence, and they enter human habitations. Various troubles have frequently occurred.

人里に現れ、人間や農作物に大きな被害 - 「里山」とはどういった地域? -

- What kind of place is satoyama? -
 About 70 percent of Japan's land surface is mountainous. Therefore, narrow plains are cultivated as farmland mainly for paddy rice, and farmland spreads over the foot of the mountain. "Satoyama" is a generic term for "mountain behind" and "mountains" close to human habitations and farmland, and it is written in "Kisoyamazatuwa" created by Owari clan.
 Tsunahide Shidei, a teacher at Kyoto University was the person who defined the concept of satoyama in the early 1960s. In forestry, low mountains adjacent to farmland are called "farm forest". It is easy to understand that friendly and poetic expression "satoyama" spreads widely.

- 里山の利用と保護の歴史 -

- History of use and protection of satoyama -
 The relationship between human beings and satoyama dates back to the Jomon period. People planted chestnuts and sumacs, and ate them at the Sannai-Maruyama Archaeological Site in Aomori Prefecture. In the Asuka period, forests were cut down for building materials and securing food. According to an article recorded in the "Nihonshoki", Emperor Tenmu issued an Imperial order to prohibit the logging of trees in the vicinity of satoyama in 676.
 In the Edo period, the demand for building materials increased with a rapid increase in the population, and the destruction of forests advanced. As a result, people faced serious problems such as river floods and expansion of typhoon damage. In the latter half of the 17th century, the Tokugawa shogunate adopted a forest protection policy, and set up strict regulations towards logging to solve the problem. In this way, Japan has repeatedly used and protected satoyama since the Jomon Period.

- 人間と鳥獣が共生する豊かな世界 -

- A rich world where birds, animals and human beings live together -
 Satoyama has played an important role not only in supplying building materials but also in supporting economic activities. First of all, it is used as fuel. Wood can be used for cooking, occasionally for boiling bath and heating of room. In rural areas, producing charcoal and supplying it to urban areas activated economic activity. Cedars and cypresses indispensable for building materials have been provided by repeated logging and afforestation every 50 to 100 years in satoyama.
 Many insects gather around satoyama for the tree sap. Wild birds and animals appear to seek such insects and tree nuts. Human beings and animals have created a rich world to enjoy mutual prosperity.

- 戦後、急速に進んだ里山の崩壊 -

- Collapse of satoyama advanced rapidly after the war -
 Japan's oil was shut off during the Pacific War, Japan had to depend on domestic resources including wood as an energy source. As a result, trees were cut down in the deep forest. Forests were exhausted and collapsed throughout Japan.
 The government promoted the national land afforestation promotion campaign after the war and promoted afforestation of the naked mountain. Conifer trees such as Japanese cedar and Japanese cypress are more valuable than broadleaf trees such as oak and beech. Satoyama transformed into conifer forests by introducing forest management.
 Being affected by the energy revolution at that time, the long-lasting charcoal-making business was discontinued, and oil, gas, and electricity became energy sources. Forest industry was expected to improve by planting valuable coniferous trees, but it was totally destroyed due to the import of cheaper foreign wood.
 As a result, the flow of young population from rural to urban areas has increased, and the number of farmers has declined. In addition, the agriculture has been mechanized, the use of chemical fertilizers improves agricultural productivity, and people especially the elderly are in the field only during the agricultural season.
人里に現れ、人間や農作物に大きな被害 - 里山の崩壊で野生動物が人里に出没 -

- Wild animals frequently stray into human habitation due to the collapse of satoyama -
 In the past, wild animals rested in the forest while people were working on the farm in satoyama, and when people finished their work, wild animals appeared and acted freely. Satoyama was also a buffer zone between human beings and animals.
 Because Japan belongs to the temperate zone and has a lot of rain, trees, and plants grow immediately after being harvested. However, due to the sharp decline in the number of agricultural workers and forestry workers, satoyama became abandoned forests. Trees became dense and the undergrowth that animals needed could not expect to grow.
 Baby animals born in satoyama grow up without knowing how to get along with human beings. Animals come down to human habitation from satoyama, which is short of food, and eat delicious farm products or human leftover. Animals that remember the taste of agricultural crops frequently appear in the village, and cause trouble with people living there.
人里に現れ、人間や農作物に大きな被害 - 被害の大半を占めるシカ、イノシシ、サル -

- Deer, wild boar, and monkey, which cause most of the damage -
 The amount of field crop damage due to the wild birds and beasts has remained around 20 billion yen in recent years. Crop damage by the wild birds and beasts of 2015 was approximately 17.6 billion yen. Bird damage was approximately 20% of the total, or around 3.5 billion yen, the remaining 14.1 billion yen was wild animal damage. Deer, wild boar, and monkey account for about 70% of the damage by wild animals. Damage caused by deer and wild boar is outstanding in recent years. These three kinds of wild animals have expanded their habitats nationwide, especially in Hokkaido, Fukuoka prefecture, Nagano prefecture, Yamagata prefecture, Miyazaki prefecture.
 The damaged area is expanding because the wild animals pass through the villages in search of satoyama, and move to a new satoyama. In addition, the number of animals captured largely decreases by the global trend of protecting wildlife, and decreasing and aging of hunters.
 Reconstruction of the natural environment that human beings and wild animals can coexist and co-prosper and revival of "satoyama" are expected.



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