住民投票でスコットランドの独立回避-Scottish voters rejected independence-【国際】

住民投票でスコットランドの独立回避-Scottish voters rejected independence-


Scotland rejected independence by 55.3% to 44.7%
 A referendum was held in Scotland on whether the nation should become an independent country in September 2014. Polls showed a very tight race between Scottish supporters and opponents of independence. The race went down to the wire. The results showed that the No campaign had a 10-point lead. Now that the historic referendum on Scottish independence is over, the United Kingdom remains united. Why did it happen?

住民投票でスコットランドの独立回避-Scottish voters rejected independence- - 4つの地域で構成されるイギリス -
 イギリスの正式名称は「グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国」といい、英語ではUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelandと表記されます。つまり、イギリスはイングランド、ウェールズ、スコットランド、北アイルランドの4つの地域で構成されているということです。このことが、今回の住民投票の背景に大きく関係しています。

- The United Kingdom consists of four countries -
 The official name of the United Kingdom is the“United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.” The United Kingdom consists of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. It is greatly related to this referendum.
 A brief history of the United Kingdom: The indigenous populations of Britain today are the Celts. In 43 AD Emperor Claudius added Britain to the Roman Empire. The invasions of Anglo-Saxon took place after the withdrawal of the Roman forces from Britain in the early 5th century. Celtic people survived in Scotland and Wales.
 William, duke of Normandy, invaded England in 1066 and became the first Norman to be King of England. Wales was annexed to England in 1282, Scotland was annexed to England in 1707 and the United Kingdom of Great Britain was formed. The Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland created the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in 1801. Southern Ireland separated from the United Kingdom in 1922 and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was established.
住民投票でスコットランドの独立回避-Scottish voters rejected independence- - 中央政権への不満が引き金に!! -

- Dissatisfaction with the performance of the national government in London -
 The English-Scottish rivalry goes back a long way in time. The discovery of North Sea oil off the east coast of Scotland in 1970 and Margaret Thatcher’s arrogant and contemptuous attitude towards Scotland further invigorated the debate over Scottish independence.
 Tony Blair’s government established the Scottish Parliament and devolved authority over a number of important matters to the Scottish government. In 2011, the Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP) won a surprise majority vote in the Scottish parliamentary elections. Taking these results, British Prime Minister David Cameron admitted that the Scottish referendum.

- 高福祉社会を目指すSNP -

- SNP aims at ensuring a future Scottish welfare system -
 The SNP holds up the Nordic Welfare Model and takes bold steps towards the denuclearization of Scotland. The Scottish National Party has vowed to get a geographic share of North Sea oil and remove nuclear weapons from Her Majesty’s Naval Base, Clyde.
 In order to fight against the SNP, the British government had promised to rapidly expand Scotland’s autonomy. The British government pointed out problems such as the loss of global trust and threat of social unrest.
 The Scottish independence referendum was took place on 18 September 2014. All European Union (EU) or Commonwealth citizens resident in Scotland aged 16 (normally only those who are 18 or older are eligible to vote) or over could vote, a total of approximately 4 million people. The question was, “should Scotland be an independent country?”. Voters were asked to answer either “Yes” or “No”.
 1,617,989 voted Yes (44.7%) and 2,001,926 voted No (55.3%), Scotland overwhelmingly rejected independence. The interests of people in Scotland were reflected in the huge and unprecedented turnout of 84.59%. Following the referendum results, the British government plans to offer Scotland more financial autonomy.
住民投票でスコットランドの独立回避-Scottish voters rejected independence- - 住民投票に注目した他の国々 -

- Other countries paying attention to the referendum in Scotland -
 Other countries facing similar problems took great interest in the referendum.
 Catalonia is rich industrial metropolitan area of Spain. Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia. The Catalan parliament approved a call for a referendum on the expansion of local government powers. Spanish government insists that the referendum is illegal and unconstitutional. What will happen to Spain hereafter?
 Belgium is in danger of dissolution because of the language. Dutch is the official language of the Flemish Region (almost 60% of the population) and French is the official language of the Walloon Region (almost 40% of the population). The Walloon Region used to have a good economy, based on heavy industry. Recently, high-tech industry is growing rapidly in the Flemish region, and then the Flemish Region surpassed the Walloon Region. The Flemish region seeks independence from French-speaking region.
 Kosovo with the Republic of Serbia was the disputed borderland between Serbia and Albania. Kosovo War caused huge casualties and as many as 200,000 refugees. Finally, Self-Government of Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008. There are many countries experiencing ethnic conflicts.
 Results of Scotland independence referendum might have a great effect on countries having separatist or independence movements. The United Kingdom stays united, but multi-ethnic countries are still worried.



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