「ジオパーク」とは、どんな公園? 【環境】



What is a "Geopark"?
【Geopark is a place where you can learn about and enjoy the earth as a whole】
 We often see and hear the word "Geopark" recently. The word "Geopark" is coined from "earth (Geo)" and "Park". A geopark is a kind of natural park containing geological heritage that has great scientific importance and value. People can learn about and enjoy the earth's activities there. As of April 2018, there are 43 national geoparks including 9 UNESCO Global Geoparks in Japan.

「ジオパーク」とは、どんな公園?  - ジオパークと世界遺産 -

- Geopark and World Heritage -
 World Heritage is a legacy from the past to the present and even into the future under the World Heritage Convention. The World Heritage sites are classified into three categories: cultural, natural, and mixed (cultural and natural) heritage. When a site is registered as a World Heritage Site, it shall be the responsibility of the country or region to continue to protect and conserve the property.
 Though geoparks are supported by UNESCO, they are not a legislative designation. In 2004, with the support of UNESCO, the Global Geoparks Network (GGN) was formed. Geoparks are expected to further culture and environment while protecting and preserving heritage by revitalization of communities and development of local economy through human activities, such as geotourism. While world heritage places much value on protection, geoparks put emphasis on utilization as well as protection. A thorough re-examination of geoparks is undertaken every four years.
「ジオパーク」とは、どんな公園?  - 日本のジオパーク認定への歩み -

- Steps towards Japanese Geopark certification -
 In 2007, the Japanese Geopark Liaison Council was established to prepare the Japanese Geoparks. In 2009, the Japanese Geopark Liaison Council developed to become the Japanese Geoparks Network (JGN).
 The Japan Geopark Committee (JGC) was established in 2008 with cooperation of academic societies related to earth sciences such as the Geological Society of Japan, the Association of Japanese geographers, Seismological Society of Japan, and National Park Association of Japan. In December 2008, seven areas were designated as national geoparks. In August 2009, the Global Geoparks Network appointed the Toya Caldera and Usu Volcano, Itoigawa, and Shimabara Peninsula as Japan's first "Global Geopark".

- ジオパークに認定されるには? -
 ジオパーク申請時に求められる主な要件は以下のようになっています。①学術的に貴重な地形・地質現象が複数含まれ、考古学的・生態学的もしくは文化的な価値のある地域 ②これらを上手く利用した人々の暮らしや文化、歴史があること ③これらの地域を、公的機関・地域社会などが運営計画・財政計画を整えて保護している ④この仕組みが長年にわたって機能し、一定の成果を上げていること ⑤ジオツーリズムなどを通じて、地域の持続可能な社会・経済発展に貢献している ⑥博物館や解説員、自然観察路、案内板・ガイドブックなど、誰もが学習・体験できる仕組の整備などとなっています。

- How to become a Geopark -
 Aspiring Japanese geoparks must be associate members of the JGN before the application. A geopark must be an area that has geoheritages to serve local economic and cultural development through geotourism. It must be based on strong local community support and professional management structures. Japanese National Geoparks, which would like to be considered for Global Geopark certification, must be regular members of the JGN.
 Requirements to meet to be registered as a geopark ①That the aspiring geopark has a clear, well-defined boundary and sufficient area, and has not only geological value but also ecological, archeological, and cultural value.②That the aspiring geopark has history, culture, and life of people. ③That the aspiring geopark develops a well-defined and effective management structure comprising public institutions and a local community, and draws up a well-laid management plan. ④That the aspiring geopark enables development over the years. ⑤That the aspiring geopark vitalizes economic activities, and ensures sustainable development by such means as geotourism. ⑥That the aspiring geopark conducts education and promotion activities by such means as museums, nature viewing paths, guided tours and guidebooks.
- 中国に最多のユネスコ世界ジオパーク -

- China has the largest number of geoparks in the world -
 At the 38th session of the General Conference of UNESCO held in November 2015, Global Geoparks became an official program of UNESCO. They were rebranded as UNESCO Global Geoparks. JGC was certified as official institution. Japanese geoparks are domestic areas certified by the Japan Geopark Committee.
 43 sites including 9 UNESCO Global Geoparks were registered as national geoparks by the Japan Geopark Committee. As of 2018, there are 140 UNESCO Global Geoparks in 38 countries: China (37), Spain (12), Italy (10), Japan (9), UK and France (7).
- 日本はジオパークの宝庫 -

- Japan is a treasure house of geoparks -
 The Japanese Islands lie at the junction of four major plates. Japanese Archipelago is undulating with complicated topography and geological formations.
 Japan is frequently affected by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. There are many geoparks related to natural disasters due to such terrain. It will be good for you to visit geoparks. You can learn about the nature of the earth, and know the disasters of the past in order to hand them down to future generations.



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